
George S. & Stella M. Knight Essay Contest

The George S. and Stella Knight Essay Contest is designed to give high school students an opportunity to explore events that shaped American history. At Chapter, State Society, and National Society levels, students must submit an original essay, with topics based on original research and deal with an event, person, philosophy, or ideal associated with the American Revolution, Declaration of Independence, or the framing of the United States Constitution. (Grades 9-12). The National Association of Secondary School Principals has placed this program on the 2017-18 NASSP List of Approved Contests, Programs, and Activities for Students.

To watch the most recent winning essay please click here. (Link) The ability to write eloquently and with conviction is a dying art form. Please help the SAR to ensure that the students of today will be encouraged to sustain this skill that was so integral in the founding of our nation. Donate Today!

Donors at $250 and up are honored at the Donor Awards Breakfast and will receive a award in recognition of their contribution.

For more information or to submit an application please click here or contact Compatriot Ernest B. Coggins, Jr..